Monday, April 18, 2005

META: Weird hits from Google Image Search

I have been getting literally thousands of hits from Google Image Search for the photo in this entry. Over 200 so far just today. I don't want to post the photo again, or even say the name of the person in the photo, because, while it's good to get lots of hits, this is really weirding me out.

I can not for the life of me figure out why this is happening. Doing a Google Image Search myself, I don't find my blog to be very high on any of the likeliest of terms to lead people to that image. And let's face it, the person depicted is not exactly high profile enough to generate so many searches. It's a puzzle, but one that's making me increasingly uneasy. For no good reason, really; I'm not paying for the bandwidth, so I shouldn't really care if anyone is stealing it, if that's what's happening. Anyway. I'm changing the HTML tag for that picture, and seeing what happens.

Also, the images on this post are the #2 and #3 Google Image searches leading to TTDYKWIL? I'm changing them, too.

Anyone else ever experience something like this? Any advice, or answers?

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