Thursday, April 14, 2005

MOVIES: Batman Begins

Just wondering: does anyone care about Batman Begins? Because I'm not feelin' it at all. No excitement, no anticipation, no nothing. I just don't give a rat's ass.

It's not that I expect it to be bad, really (although the previews have yet to give me a reason to think it's going to be good). I think Christopher Nolan is a fine director, I like most of the cast, especially Christian Bale, Gary Oldman, and Michael Caine (who seems like acting overkill for the role of Alfred, but whatever), I like the character of Batman, but this movie... eh. I can take it or leave it. Probably leave it.

I saw a billboard advertising the movie on the way back from lunch today, and I thought, "Oh, yeah, that thing. Huh." It's just not occupying any part of my mind. It doesn't have the feeling of an event, of a must-see experience; it's just there. I wonder if this is a build-up of immunity to hype on my part, or the cumulative effect of all the recent superhero movies, or just that the movie simply looks boring.

I mean, Revenge of the Sith -- I know it will be bad. Just fucking awful. Just like the last two movies. With Lucas writing and directing -- there is literally no chance that it will be good. And yet some part of me still cares. But Batman Begins -- nope, don't care.

Am I alone on this in the comics blogging world? Or do you just not care, too?

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