You Know What I Like?
A long while ago, I decided that after I post something incredibly negative, as I've been doing for the past few days, I should post something positive to make up for it. So please enjoy the second installment of:
Tom the Dog's Abecedarian List of Things I Like.
Frickin' Awesome Stuff from A to Z.

Axton, Hoyt.
Singer, actor, good ol' boy. The first concert I ever went to.

Bad Religion.
Punks with a thesaurus.

Carlin, George.
My comedy idol.

Daffy Duck.
My all-time favorite cartoon character.

Ewa Mataya Laurance.
WPBA Champion; hottie.

Full Moon Fever.
One of the ten best albums ever recorded.

Gaffigan, Jim.
Possibly the funniest comedian of the new millennium.

Hawaiian Kettle Style Potato Chips: Sweet Maui Onion.
Tastiest potato chip ever!

In-N-Out Burger.
Best fast food burger in the world.

Jason Voorhees.
Hooray, insane mass murderer! Wait a minute...

Kermit the Frog.
I can do an awesome impression. No foolin'.

Lorax, The.
One of my favorite books, children's or otherwise.

McCabe & Mrs. Miller.
Altman's greatest movie, which means one of the greatest movies ever made.

Navin R. Johnson.
My sister's cat is named after him.

Ojai, CA.

Pirates of the Caribbean.
The Disneyland ride, not the movies.

As played by John DeLancie.

Kind of an obvious one.

Sierra Nevada Pale Ale.
Best mass-marketed beer available.

Triunfo de la Muerte, El.
By Pieter Brueghel the Elder. My favorite work of art. Viewed it in person at the Prado Museum in Madrid.

One of the few times the Oscars have gotten it right.

Vonnegut, Kurt.
My literary hero.

Wodehouse, Pelham Grenville.
The funniest writer of the 20th Century.

X: The Man with the X-Ray Eyes.
Don Rickles. 'Nuff said.

Yankovic, "Weird Al."
First album I ever owned: "Weird Al" Yankovic In 3-D.

Zooey Deschanel.
Soon to be playing Janis Joplin. Nifty!
Feel free to comment, or to come up with your own list. Let's make this the beginning of Positive Thinking Week!