Saturday, July 03, 2004

How to give a jackass an inflated ego

My site just got linked to by the first person who I totally don't know even a little bit in real life: Bill Sherman's Pop Culture Gadabout.

Of course, I linked to his site first, but why wouldn't I? It's an excellent pop culture blog (as you may have inferred from the name), one which I discovered via Mike Sterling, and one very much like what I hope to achieve with this one. It covers a variety of media in a variety of ways, with in-depth analyses as well as brief observations, and it makes me want to check out the things he's talking about. Plus, he's a great speller.

I know this linking business isn't really all that big a deal, but hey, give me one brief moment to bask, would you?

Also, if I had thought about the way most link lists are organized alphabetically, I probably wouldn't have started my site's name with a "Y". Maybe I'll do like plumbers do in the yellow pages, and change it to "AAA You Know What I Like?"

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