Friday, July 02, 2004

COMICS: Weekly Wrap-Up

Finally got around to my leftover comics from Wednesday. Ex Machina gets off to a very interesting beginning, although the framing device, jumping back and forth in time, is more irritating here than when writer Vaughan uses it in his Y: The Last Man. I like the artwork from Tony Harris, previously of Starman. I'm hoping the comic sticks more to the political side of things, rather than jumping into costumed superhero stuff. A superpowered mayor, I've never seen. A superhero in a costume, I have. And Astonishing X-Men has failed to astonish me. It's just okay so far. The idiotic Cyclops costume continues to irk me. But at least the dialogue is well written, and Whedon is taking the characters in somewhat interesting directions -- Scott has lost his ability to lead, Hank may want to give up being a mutant. I'll probably stick with it for another issue or two.

I forgot to mention my impression of the new Doom Patrol by John Byrne. I'm not a huge Byrne fan; I think he can be good, but I don't think he has been for a while. His JLA run with Chris Claremont was horrible, painfully horrible. But I was still willing to give Doom Patrol a try, just for the hell of it -- until, while still at the comic store, with the issue in my hand, Mike mentioned that it proceeded directly from that JLA story. I think it actually shocked Mike that I instantly turned around, walked right back to the new comics shelf, and put the comic back on the rack. That is how much I hated Byrne's run on JLA, and that is also probably the last time I consider trying a Byrne comic just for the hell of it.

And don't forget, folks -- FREE COMIC BOOK DAY TOMORROW! Get 'em while the gettin's good!

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