Saturday, June 26, 2004

As always, blame Ian

So this is my blog. Blame Ian. In order to comment at his excellent new comics blog, Brill Building (which, technically, is non-capitalized -- "brill building" -- but I'm far too anal to let that sit), I had to register here at And then I figured, as long as I'm already registered....

You know what I like? Probably not, is my guess. Lots of stuff, is the short answer. Long answer is what I plan to post here. All my flavorite TV, movies, books, comics, music, video games, and miscellaneous additional crap that falls under that semi-dignified descriptor "Pop Culture." It's a much more respectable term than "Stuff I Can Enjoy Without Having To Get Off My Fat Ass," which, while possibly more accurate, won't move as many plush toys.

Ideally, I'll post every day. But as this world is less than ideal, let's chuck that idea out the damn door tout de suite. Less ambitiously, I'd like to post every weekday, with specific days set aside for different aspects of the Culture we call Pop: Mondays for movies, Tuesdays for TV, Wednesdays for books, Thursday for comics, and Friday, potpourri. (For example.) Realistically, I'll post whenever I damn well please. Hell, this may be my first and last post right here. If I don't make my every-weekday schedule, well, as the Dread Pirate Roberts once said, "Get used to disappointment."

Oh, also, I hate a lot of stuff. Lots of stuff. Lots and lots and lots of stuff. Lots. I plan on posting about some of that, too. Because, after all, it's often the most negative reviews that prove the most memorable. And funniest. But I'll try to keep it to a tolerable minimum of blackest, vilest vitriol. If I can.

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