Tuesday, November 04, 2008


Apparently Twitter finally crashed, but not before I could share with the many following along with me the triumphant news that Barack Obama had become President Elect of the United States by a landslide victory.

I've been close to tears for almost two hours now. This is an incredible, unbelievable leap forward for our nation. Our horrific nightmare of the past eight years is over. Logic, morality, and sanity have finally won out. We will once again have a good, smart person as our leader -- which is the least we should expect as a nation, yet sadly has become for the most part a liability rather than an asset this past decade.

I almost want to feel sorry for McCain and his crushing loss. He made a wonderful concession speech, in which he said many kind things about Obama, the Democrats, and working as a united front to solve this nation's problems. But fuck him. Fuck him and damn him to hell. McCain has worked unswervingly to destroy America and its Constitution over the past eight years. He is a prisoner of war and subject of torture who voted to sanction torture by his own government. He is a disgraceful, pandering tool. Fuck him, and good riddance, and thrice that to that fucking moron Sarah Palin.

I am not graceful in victory, as Dubya and his ilk were never graceful in victory. The good guys won, and the bad guys lost, and they deserved to lose, and I hate them. Tomorrow, we can work to right this country's wrongs, to heal our political divides. Tonight: fuck you, enemies of freedom. You lose, and you will never again be allowed to wreak such devastation on our great nation.

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