Friday, August 05, 2005

TV: Entourage

What is the deal with the "Previously On" intros to Entourage? They're completely irrelevant! It's almost like they're satires of the whole "Previously On" concept.

Previously on Entourage: Turtle and Drama had sex with a woman at Sundance... who does not appear in this episode!

Previously on Entourage: Vincent filmed a commercial for Japan... which is not mentioned at all this week!

Previously on Entourage: The guys went to a party at the Playboy Mansion... which does not figure into tonight's show in any way whatsoever!

There are occasional bits which might help out the new viewer (Vince is playing Aquaman in a James Cameron film, Vince used to date his co-star Mandy Moore), but most of the time, it's like HBO said, "Okay, you get 30 seconds for the 'Previously On' teaser. Whaddaya got?"

"Uh... nothing, really. Last week's episode was pretty much self-contained, as is this week's."

"Well, then just pick a bunch of crap at random! We're giving you 30 seconds, and by God you are going to use them!!"

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