Tuesday, April 26, 2005

TV: Potpourri

After recently ripping on Showtime, I now regret that I don't have it, because I'd love to see the new musical version of Reefer Madness, starring Kristen Bell. I have it on excellent authority* that it is, and I quote, fucking funny. Unquote.

Speaking of little Ms. Bell, tonight we're down to the last three episodes of the fantastic Veronica Mars. Which means all hell is gonna be busting loose. Creator Rob Thomas has promised that the identity of the person who drugged and raped Veronica will be revealed in the next episode, and of course, the killer of Lilly Kane will be revealed the week after that, in the season (but not series!) finale. This is good stuff, peoples! If you've been missing it this year, be sure to tune it in next season. And get the DVD, whenever it comes out.

Speaking of DVDs, I have pre-ordered Scrubs season 1, which will be released May 17. (And which will be shipping with The Complete Peanuts 1955-1956. Don't even try to contact me the week of the 17th; I will be sealed in a cocoon of Amazon-delivered goodness.) Scrubs, of course, is the best sitcom on network television not named Arrested Development, and, it's starting to look like, the only one of the two that will be back next year. Arrested's season (and possibly series!) finale was every bit as brilliant as I've come to expect, still stubbornly delivering humor that credits the audience with intelligence and the ability to remember things that happened longer than ten minutes ago. The fools! Pander, if you want to live! Pander like there's no tomorrow!!

And don't forget (as thought I would let you) that the week after the Scrubs DVD becomes available, the complete 1st and 2nd seasons of NewsRadio will also arrive on disc. I mean, it's only one of the greatest sitcoms ever. No reason to get excited about that, I'm sure. (Hoopla!!)

Speaking of which (not really, but everything has flowed so nicely to this point, I didn't want to ruin it), how about that last episode of Star Trek: Enterprise? What a strange, bold move, to set the entire episode in the Mirror Universe with the evil Enterprise crew, never once looking in on the "good" Enterprise! Hell, they even changed the credits to evil! (And if evil means no Diane Warren-penned theme songs, sign me up!) If this show had been throwing creatively inspired curveballs like this for the past couple seasons, maybe this one wouldn't be its last.

*Hi, Catherine.

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