Friday, February 24, 2006

COMICS: Webcomics Links

I added a bunch of links to webcomics over on the sidebar, way down at the bottom. Mostly as a reminder to myself to check them for updates. For now, they're all links to comics that originated on the internet; I may go back later and add links to print comics (like Doonesbury).

Shall we do a rundown of the list? We shall!

8-Bit Theater: A comic based on the original Final Fantasy, using the 8-bit artwork straight from the video game. You don't really have to know anything about the game to enjoy the characters (especially the hysterically evil Black Mage) or their adventures.

Achewood: This is one of those comics that I think I should like, but have never really gotten into, other than reading a few strips every now and then. Maybe with the link to prompt me, I'll give it the attention it deserves (or decide it really isn't for me, after all).

Alien Loves Predator: A photo comic, using action figures of, well, Alien and Predator. They don't really love each other; they're just roommates. Hilarity ensues! (No, really.)

American Elf: James Kochalka's daily diary, in comic form. Little slices of life, by turns funny, sweet, sad, and strange. I love it, but I always forget about it. Hopefully this will remind me to check it every day.

Casey & Andy: I've praised this comic before. Very, very funny stuff.

Checkerboard Nightmare: A comic that I enjoy when I read it, but I often forget it exists. This will hopefully remind me.

Freefall: A comedic sci-fi strip, starring very likeable and funny robots, aliens, and bio-engineered wolf creatures (well, just one bio-engineered wolf creature, actually). One of my top four or five must-reads.

Irregular Webcomic: Another photo comic, this one of Legos figures. Has about a dozen different casts of characters (including the author), with their own storylines, which take turns at center stage. I check in on this one sporadically, so I can go through chunks of the archives at once. Warning: contains frequent puns!

Jeffrey Rowland has three comics on my list:
--Overcompensating (which I've also written about before) is, like American Elf, a diary comic. Only this one is completely made up. It's hilarious, and it may well be my favorite webcomic.
--Wigu is about a young boy named Wigu, his messed-up family, his favorite cartoon character, Topato, and the crazy and twisted adventures they all go on. Very very funny. On hiatus right now; Rowland is switching over from semi-daily strip to monthly (or so) book form. I'm not sure how that's going to work, exactly, but Wigu is one of the only online comics I would actually consider paying cash money for in book form.
--When I Grow Up is Rowland's original, and now defunct, webcomic, about a handful of twenty-something doofuses and their adventures. Look at this strip's initials, and you can see where Rowland got the name for his subsequent strip.

Men in Hats: No longer updating, but still funny as hell. Lots of very mean humor.

The Order of the Stick: The newest addition to my must-reads, set very firmly in the world of Dungeons & Dragons (the characters often refer to their stats, saving throws, armor bonuses, etc.). I got turned on to it very recently, plowed through the archives, and now I have to wait for its thrice-weekly updates just like everyone else. Dammit!

Penny Arcade: Two links for this one -- one to the comic, which is probably the best-drawn of all the comics I've listed, and one to the news page, which is usually even funnier than the comic, and which often contains vital information non-video game fanatics need to fully understand the comic. Which is annoying. But the strip is pretty damn funny, so what are you gonna do?

PvP: Another comic frequently centered on video games, like Penny Arcade, but about a thousand times more accessible to the non-gamer. Funny stuff, with extremely clean and appealing art.

Questionable Content: A relative newcomer to my must-reads. Sometimes it reads like Penny Arcade for indie rock, with obscure references that are impenetrable to the indie rock outsider. But mostly it's a cute strip about a bunch of young people awkwardly fumbling around in relationships.

Scary Go Round: A very continuity-heavy, plot-driven comic, divided into distinct chapters, which I tend to leave unread for weeks or even months at a time, so that I can go through a full storyline or two at once.

Shortpacked: Another recent add, centered on goofballs working in a toy store. Good fun.

Sluggy Freelance: One of the first webcomics I followed with any regularity, and one I've pretty much completely given up on now. Very, very plot-heavy, with epic storylines that have recently become too much for me to try to slog my way through. I include the link because I may someday go back through the archives and try to get caught up on it.

Something Positive: Like Achewood, a comic I feel I should like, but haven't really gotten into. I read through a huge chunk of the archives once, and kind of dug it, but the characters and their relationships are so complex, and veer so often away from comedy into overwritten melodrama, that I stopped reading it. With the link there, maybe I'll get back into it.

I'm sure there are some I'm forgetting, but those are the main ones for now. And I'm always looking for new webcomics to get hooked on. If you have any recommendations, please let me know. Only don't recommend Narbonic. I frickin' hate that strip. Almost as much as I hate Get Fuzzy. They're both so very, very not funny. NOT FUNNY!!

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