Thursday, December 16, 2004

COMICS: Plastic Man

I enjoyed the new issue of Plastic Man, but there were a couple things about it that bothered me as well. Number one is the typeface. The lettering has been changed from the Kyle Baker trademark font (here's an example of it, from Mile High Comics), which has a cartoony feel while still being blatantly computer-produced (as opposed to most other comics, in which all the lettering is done by computer, but it still tries to look like it's hand-lettered), to a generic sans-serif word processor font, cold and boring and personality-free, that jars me out of the story, and actually detracts from my enjoyment of the book. If you think lettering doesn't make a difference to a comic, check out this issue.

And number two, the artwork, while often tremendously funny and creative, also often looks like it was scribbled out while Baker was on the phone, or thinking about something else. I love Kyle Baker's art, but too often on this series it looks rushed and sloppy. In all likelihood it is not rushed; I'm sure Baker dotes over each individual panel like it's his firstborn child. But it looks rushed and sloppy, maybe not everywhere, but in many places.

That said, this comic continues to make me laugh, which is why I continue getting it. So I guess I just felt like bitching.

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