Tuesday, July 19, 2005

META: Quick note

Well, hello, all you people visiting from Comic Book Resources! And thanks to Augie De Blieck the younger, for linking to this little ol' blog in his column once again! Gee, I wish I had a column at Comic Book Resources. Then again, I also wish I weren't such a lazy bastard. And until I correct the latter, I sure as heck ain't gonna be working on the former.

Anyhoo. I'm glad people are taking a look at the glowingly positive review I recently posted (which is what Augie linked to), since I've been kind of feeling like I was getting a little too negative here with these two recent posts. It's a nice reminder: oh, yeah, I do like some stuff!

So, thanks for visiting, and thanks for leaving all those comments. I guess I'd better write some more stuff about comics to keep all y'all coming back!

Edited to add my voice to the chorus of fond farewells to Jim Aparo, who passed away last night.

Jim Aparo was one of the first comic book artists whose work I could recognize on sight, and which I knew always meant quality. When I think Batman, I always think of Aparo's version, which struck just the right balance between colorful superhero Batman and Dark Knight Detective Batman. He was one of the industry's greatest, and he will be missed.

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