COMICS: Wed. 5/18/05
I've been less than a stickler for regular updating recently. I don't want to go two days without a post, so just a quick note about what I bought yesterday:
Young Avengers: Didn't I quit buying this? I guess not.
Batman: Dark Detective
Ex Machina
JLA: Classified: The only one of the bunch that I've read so far. Very enjoyable; the facial expressions in the art are fantastic, and the writing hits both the comedic highs and the emotional lows equally well.
Plastic Man: It seems like a loooong time since the last issue came out. Is that just me?
Seven Soldiers: Guardian
Spider-Man/Human Torch
And I'm sorry to whoever is behind the Friday the 13th comic: I didn't get it because it's a well-made horror comic, I got it because it is hilarious. I was in hysterics in the store, flipping through this thing. Almost every page depicts a ridiculously over-the-top scene of violence, so tremendously beyond the extremes of ultra-violence that it becomes a joke. Jason punches a guy's head off on page three. Punches his head off! (Which I believe the movie Jason once did, too, in Jason Takes Manhattan.) How can you not laugh at that?
Or is that just me?