Wednesday, February 02, 2005

COMICS: Wed. 2/2/05

Just a token update today. I've got my weekly trivia contest tonight, and frankly, I could use a nap before then. Ah, the wonders of getting older!

The second I walked into my local comics shop, Mike and Dorian were both thrusting long-awaited comics into my hands. The Amelia Rules TPB I've been waiting for for so long, the first Legend of Grimjack TPB (collecting the back-up stories from Starslayer), which I've been waiting even longer for, and yes, the brand spankin' all-new issue of the new Grimjack series, which I've been waiting half my life for, it feels like. Woohoo! Comics gold, baby!!

And it didn't nearly stop there. Oh no. I found a new PvP collection, the third Runaways TPB, and I also acquired The Couriers 03: The Ballad of Johnny Funwrecker, which Dorian recently wrote about. It looks like it's geared exactly toward my sense of humor; the dateline on the very first page reads, "NEW YORK CITY NINETEEN MOTHERFUCKING NINETY-THREE". Which cracked me up. And hey, I couldn't resist the price. (Thanks, Dorian! And thanks for loaning me the Wet Hot American Summer DVD last week, too. Two words: high-larious. I should write a post about it.)

This was all before I even got over to the new issues racks. There, I picked up The New Avengers (I always forget which Bendis comics I've decided to give up on. I think I'm still onboard with this one; it's Daredevil I've dropped. Oh, and The Pulse. And Secret War, if that next damn issue ever even comes out), Marvel Team-Up (which will be my first exposure to this X-23 character everyone keeps talking about -- so, basically, it's a chick Wolverine? How creative), Supreme Power, Concrete: The Human Dilemma, and Superman: Strength.

And I would've gotten the new Bizarro Comics collection, too, but, damn! Thirty bucks in hardback? No thank you. I waited for the paperback on the first collection (which took forever), so I guess I can wait on this one, too. As it is, I already dropped plenty enough cash in one day. Bizarro would've put me over a hundred bucks. And that's just sick and wrong and tremendously frightening.

Wow, that's a long token update. You really get your money's worth at this blog, don't you?

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